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AdventureQuest Worlds: Web Browser Massively Multiplayer Game
Read the Design Notes for behind the scenes information!
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AdventureQuest Worlds MMO
A massively multiplayer game that plays right inside your web browser. No downloads, no installs and it is free! Battle monsters in real-time combat alongside your friends. Check out the screenshots and then see what chaos and insanity is in development now on Artix & Cysero's design notes.


Upgrade Your Account
Become a member and you will get access to member-only exclusive classes, weapons, areas, shops, quests and special pets... including Dragons, a Dracolich and the new pet of the month, "Little Death"!
Go to the Upgrade Page


Friday the 13th!
Happening now... Special Weekend Event

Join us in an ALL NEW event. Musican guest Voltaire will appear in town every hour to play a special version of his song, "Day of the Dead!" Then, put on a life sized Deady-Bear and embark on a crazy Skullpunch Island quest. Defeat the boss to unlock a treasure chest full of unlucky weapons, pets and items!
Read the Design Notes for more

Voltaire Returns
Just released! New song, quest, and a treasure chest of unlucky items

Actual screenshot from the event!Get Voltaire's autograph and unlock the Friday the 13th Achievement

Also! Check out the unlucky events that are happening in all four of our games

Princess of
Yokai Isle

The DragonKoi Tournament
<Announcer Voice> Last time, on DragonKoi Z....

Our heroes traveled to Yokai Isle and entered the greatest Martial Arts Tournament in the World. No outsider has been allowed on the isle in over 1,000 years! Of course our heroes found they were not welcome at all... and the invitation letter from Princess Miko contained a secret message asking for help. What secrets does she know about the 4th Lord of Chaos?

The Lord of Chaos on Yokai Isle
The next Lord of Chaos revealed!

Will the hero win the tournament? What are Yokai Monsters? Is Martial Arts Master Ryoko STILL charging up!? Find out in the next exciting espisode... erm... login now and use the Yokai Isle button to continue the adventure!
Read the Design Notes for more

Just released

  • 4 brand new quest on Yokai Isle
  • New cutscene revealing the next Lord of Chaos
  • 7 new weapons, 1 armor, 3 helms
  • Pet of the month: Little Death
  • Pumpkin Contest judged
  • The Public Test Realm had it's first PvP test
  • Premiere of Ballyhoo has been added to AQWorlds!
Evil Empress of the Shadowscythe

Full Class Released
Are you powerful enough to master and command the forces of the darkness? The DoomKnight trainer can now be found in the fortress of Shadowfall.
Read the Design Notes for more

Lead the undead army to victory!

DoomKnight Skills

  • Dark Siphon
    A quick attack that applied Dark Wound on the target, dealing 40% of weapon DPS per attack every tick, immediately healing you for twice this amount once stacked. Lasts 6 seconds, can be refreshed, stacks up to 5 times.
  • Soul Crush
    A quick attack dealing damaged based on weapon DPS, mitigated by the number of Dark Wound stacks on the target.
  • Void Strike
    A strong attack which deals weapon damage plus an amount derived from your current HP and MP.
  • Blood Offering
    If Dark Wound is on the target, the caster will take additional damage per attack for 10 seconds, but will add some of the amount taken to their next autoattack. Otherwise, applies a 3 second stun.

See the winning Pumpkins!
1st ever pumpkin carving contest has been judged
See the winners of our first ever pumpkin carving contest. The entries were absolutely amazing... as you can imagine it was the hardest thing we have ever had to judge. Which is why we went a weeeeee bit overboard handing out AdventureCoin prizes to ALL OF THEM. See for yourself!
Winners of the Pumpkin Contest


Player Houses/Castles
"Home is where you hang your helm."
Buy your own place and customize it with over 130 house items. Invite your friends or visit their place by typing /house <name> . New items include beds and monster statues. Some rare house items like the Sneeviltron drop off of monsters! Future house styles will include Castles, Lairs, Flying Fortresses and more!

Bludrut Keep
The Keep and other styles of house are now available

king alteon
The Good King

Evil Empress of the Shadowscythe

An Unlikely Alliance
Good & Evil vs the forces of Chaos
The story has begun! Will you join the side of good or evil in our battle against a common new foe? Use your Book of Lore to begin your adventure and join thousands of players each week as the story unfolds.

Good and Evil working together against the CHAOS!?

Good & Evil Shops!
Each faction has a special shop containing awesome looking armor and weapons. Visit the evil shop in Shadowfall or the good shop in Swordhaven.


Critical Hits!
Guard your Dragons from DEATH
Dragon pets are often Dracolich Petavailable in Aria's shop. Beware friends. There is a rumor that Death itself is roaming our world for some mysterious purpose. Whatever you do... do not let him touch your pet Dragon with his skeletal hand. Pet... Dracolich!?

Want more bag space?
You can now permenantly add up to 40 more slots in your backpack, 20 more to your bank or 20 more to your housing items. Talk to Valencia in the town of Battleon. AdventureCoins are now available via the upgrade page.

Get Wallpapers
Grab our newest wallpapers, created by Randor the Red at our official Wallpaper site.

MechQuest Artbook
120+ pages of MechQuest madness. Also includes a code which unlocks an exclusive armor in AQWorlds.

The AQWorlds Battle Bar
Get the ultimate AQW player's browser tool. It displays your gold, ac, and allows you to instantly access your friends list and character page. The best part is, the search feature will earn you AdventureCoins!
Get the AQworlds Tool Bar

Referred Friends earn you EXP and Gold!
Would you like your friends and family to earn you some gold and exp while you are offline? Check out our brand new refer-a-friend system. It is surprisingly fair and you can even earn AdventureCoins!
Click here to learn how


Bludrut Keep!
A Four Part Dungeon
Explore one of Lore's most legendary dungeons and unlock its secrets. You can get their using the new button in town, your map, or by typing /join bludrut

Bludrut keep is full of danger and secrets

Four levels of dungeons each with their own art and monsters. Brand new quests and adventure! Levels 1 & 2 are available to all players. Levels 3 & 4 are Member-Only. Monsters now have a small chance to drop the weapon they are holding. Including the Boss!

Red Dragon
Dragon's Lair
Battle the Red Dragon

Untold Danger and treasure await you within this massive and heavily guarded Dragon's lair. Are you brave enough to venture deep into the heart of this dungeon and battle AdventureQuest Worlds FIRST DRAGON!? You can get their using the new button in town, your map, or by typing /join lair

Red Dragon Boss Fight
Can you defeat the Red Dragon?

Get AdventureCoins to access and equip the rarest weapons, helms, capes and armors. You can also use them to add more equipment inventory space, bank storage space, and housing inventory spaces. To see our payment methods, click here

Buy AdventureCoins or Earn Free Adventure Coins


Freedom to change and level up different Classes
AdventureQuest worlds was designed so that you can play ALL of the different classes with just one character. If you love mixing up your play style and trying different things out -- you will love this. Seek out trainers and obtain new classes. Some may require you to undergo special quests or meet certain requirements. Then, all you need to do is wear it and play to level it up. Each class has 10 ranks and unique skills that you can unlock. Leveling up the class may also cause the trainer to open up special shops with class specific gear for you to use... or even secret elite-class quests!

Customize your character even more with Armor!
Special armors can be found in shops and monster drops all over the world.

19 new RPG Armors
Hanging out with players at Yulgar's Inn


Continuous Releases!
New Zones, Quests, Items, Classes.... and more
The game is being developed right under your feet as you play it. We read our forums for your awesome ideas and suggestions and build as much as we can each week so there is always something new for you to look forward to! Also, here is a list of new features that Minimal, Zhoom and I are building for you next. Read the Design Notes for behind the scenes info!

  • Expandable Bag Space - Released!
  • Friends List - Released!
  • Player Parties - Released!
  • Live Events- Released!
  • Wars - Released!
  • Boss Monster AI - Released!
  • Housing - Released!
  • Stats - In Development
  • PvP - In Development
  • Guilds
  • Import Character Data from AQ/DF/MQ
    Now known as the "Master Account System Project" this will give your AQW character access to cool stuff from your other game characters!
  • New Pets!
  • New Zones
  • New Weapons
  • New Quests
  • New Classes
  • New Items
  • New Monsters
  • New Website
  • Even the new is new!
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Copyright © 2009 Artix Entertainment, LLC.
"AdventureQuest", "DragonFable", "MechQuest", "ArchKnight", "", "AdventureQuest Worlds", "Artix Entertainment", "Artix"
and all game character names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Artix Entertainment, LLC. All rights are reserved.
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